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COmposabilité Numerique and parallèle pour le CAlcul haute performanCE


Statut: Décision signée

Responsable : Luc Giraud

Mots-clés de "A - Thèmes de recherche en Sciences du numérique - 2023" : A1.1.4. HPC , A1.1.5. Exascale , A1.1.9. Tolérance aux fautes , A6.2.5. Algèbre linéaire numérique , A6.2.7. HPC , A6.3. Interaction entre calcul et données , A7.1. Algorithmique , A8.2. Optimisation , A8.10. Arithmétique des ordinateurs , A9.2. Apprentissage , A9.7. Algorithmique de l'intelligence artificielle , A9.10. Approches hybrides de l'IA

Mots-clés de "B - Autres sciences et domaines d'application - 2023" : B3.3.1. Terre, sous-sol , B3.6. Ecologie , B3.6.1. Biodiversité , B4.2.2. Fusion , B5.2.3. Aviation , B5.5. Matériaux , B9.5.1. Informatique , B9.5.2. Mathématiques , B9.5.4. Chimie , B9.5.6. Science des données

Domaine : Réseaux, systèmes et services, calcul distribué
Thème : Calcul distribué et à haute performance

Période : 01/09/2022 -> 31/08/2026
Dates d'évaluation :

Etablissement(s) de rattachement : AIRBUS CR&T, CERFACS
Laboratoire(s) partenaire(s) : <sans UMR>

CRI : Centre Inria de l'université de Bordeaux
Localisation : Centre Européen de Recherche Avancée et de Formation en Calcul Scientifique - Toulouse
Code structure Inria : 091071-0
CRI : Centre Inria de l'université de Bordeaux
Localisation : Centre Inria de l'université de Bordeaux
Code structure Inria : 091071-0

Numéro RNSR : 202224319T
N° de structure Inria: SR0928OR


The concace team is a joint Inria-Industry team that involve members from two private partners, namely, Airbus Central R&T and Cerfacs. The permanent members have a strong scientific background in parallel computational science with different emphasis on computer sciences and applied mathematics. The team is composed of members with diverse academic and professional backgrounds, which makes it rich and multidisciplinary with a large spectrum of skills and expertise.

To deal with large size and large dimension problems coming from model- and data-driven applications, we will take advantage of modern development tools and languages to design high-level expressions of complex parallel algorithms. While the traditional approach to HPC is to fully exploit hardware, our complementary approach will enable a richer composability of numerical methods, allowing to fully exploit existing and new numerical algorithms.

Axes de recherche

To deal with large size and large dimension problems coming from model- and data-driven applications, we will take advantage of modern development tools and languages to design high-level expressions of complex parallel algorithms. While the traditional approach to HPC is to fully exploit hardware, our complementary approach will enable a richer composability of numerical methods, allowing to fully exploit existing and new numerical algorithms.

Relations industrielles et internationales