Base des structures de recherche Inria
Temps Logique Multiforme pour Conception de Systèmes Cyber-Physiques
Décision signée
Responsable :
Julien Deantoni
(Par intérim)
Mots-clés de "A - Thèmes de recherche en Sciences du numérique - 2024" :
A1.1.1. Multi-cœurs, pluri-coeurs
, A1.1.2. Accélérateurs matériels (GPGPU, FPGA, DSP, etc.)
, A1.2.5. Internet des objets
, A1.2.7. Systèmes cyber-physiques
, A1.5.2. Systèmes communicants
, A2.2. Compilation
, A2.3. Systèmes embarqués et cyber-physiques
, A2.4. Méthodes formelles pour vérification, sureté, certification
, A2.5.1. Architecture, conception
Mots-clés de "B - Autres sciences et domaines d'application - 2024" :
B5.1. Usine du futur
, B5.4. Microélectronique
, B6.1. Industrie du logiciel
, B6.4. Internet des objets
, B6.6. Systèmes embarqués
, B6.7. Industrie informatique (matériels, équipements...)
, B7.2. Déplacements intelligents
, B8.1. Bâtiments intelligents
, B8.2. Ville connectée
, B9.5.1. Informatique
Domaine :
Algorithmique, programmation, logiciels et architectures
Thème :
Systèmes embarqués et temps réel
Période :
01/01/2017 ->
Dates d'évaluation :
19/03/2020 ,
Etablissement(s) de rattachement :
Laboratoire(s) partenaire(s) :
I3S (UMR7271)
Centre Inria d'Université Côte d'Azur
Localisation :
Centre Inria d'Université Côte d'Azur
Code structure Inria :
Numéro RNSR :
N° de structure Inria:
Kairos is working on how methods and tools to manage concurrency and time at different levels of abstraction. More precisely Καιρος studies the use of (formal) Logical Time, associated with Model-Based Design and Algorithm/Architecture Adaptation (AAA) approaches, for the modeling and analysis of Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems. The Logical Time design approach, in which any relevant sequence of meaningful events can be seen as generating an abstract Logical Clock, is an extension of Synchronous Language and Scheduling Theories altogether: Multiform Logical Clocks are used for specification, and the resolution into physical time behaviors is only performed for temporal verification and implementation.
The Kairos team is a follow-up of the Aoste project-team
Kαιρος aims at leveraging existing formal approaches from the theories of concurrency and scheduling to different application domains. As a starting point, Καιρος intends to deal with three domains (not entirely disjoint):
We hold close relations with the communities of Synchronous Reactive Languages, and Model-Based System Engineering for Cyber-Physical systems.
We have contractual industrial collaborations with companies such as Thales Alenia Space, Thales, Safran, Airbus, Renault, as well as tool providers in the doamine of MBSE for CPS and IoT.
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