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Computational Algorithms for Protein Structures and Interactions


Statut: Décision signée

Responsable : Isaure Chauvot De Beauchêne (Par intérim)

Mots-clés de "A - Thèmes de recherche en Sciences du numérique - 2024" : Aucun mot-clé.

Mots-clés de "B - Autres sciences et domaines d'application - 2024" : Aucun mot-clé.

Domaine : Santé, biologie et planète numériques
Thème : Biologie numérique

Période : 01/07/2015 -> 30/06/2025
Dates d'évaluation : 11/10/2017 , 15/05/2022

Etablissement(s) de rattachement : U. DE LORRAINE, CNRS
Laboratoire(s) partenaire(s) : LORIA (UMR7503)

CRI : Centre Inria de l'Université de Lorraine
Localisation : Centre Inria de l'Université de Lorraine
Code structure Inria : 051102-1

Numéro RNSR : 201521171B
N° de structure Inria: SR0709ER


The Capsid team develops algorithms and software to help study biological systems and phenomena from a structural point of view. In particular, the team aims to develop algorithms which can facilitate and improve the 3D modeling of large multi-component bio-molecular machines. While the team’s principal activity is algorithm and software development, it also tackles "real-world" biological problems through collaborations with the University of Lorraine and Nancy Hospital, and with other research teams from Inria, CNRS, INRA, INSERM, and international universities.

The team is common ("Equipe Projet Commun") to the CNRS, Inria, and the University of Lorraine, and is associated with the Institut Français de Bioinformatique.




Axes de recherche

The team's activities focus on two main themes:

  • computational modeling of protein-protein interactions (protein docking and molecular dynamics simulations)
  • classifying and mining protein structures and protein interactions (knowledge discovery in biological databases).

Relations industrielles et internationales

CAPRI (Critical Assessement of Protein Interactions) international community.

ELIXIR european bioinformatics community.

Federal University of Ceara, Brazil

University of Maringa, Brazil.

Harmonic Pharma, Nancy.

CardioRenal, Strasbourg.