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Lifelong Autonomy and interaction skills for Robots in a Sensing ENvironment


Statut: Terminée

Responsable : Francois Charpillet

Mots-clés de "A - Thèmes de recherche en Sciences du numérique - 2024" : Aucun mot-clé.

Mots-clés de "B - Autres sciences et domaines d'application - 2024" : Aucun mot-clé.

Domaine : Perception, Cognition, Interaction
Thème : Robotique et environnements intelligents

Période : 01/01/2015 -> 30/11/2017
Dates d'évaluation :

Etablissement(s) de rattachement : <sans>
Laboratoire(s) partenaire(s) : <sans UMR>

CRI : Centre Inria de l'Université de Lorraine
Localisation : Centre Inria de l'Université de Lorraine
Code structure Inria : 051101-0

Numéro RNSR : 201521241C
N° de structure Inria: SR0684OR


Our vision is to have robots outside of the research labs and manufacturing industries. To

reach this goal, the team LARSEN is developing methods to endow robots with long-term

autonomy and interaction skills, taking into account the embedded and/or external sensors

in the environment. These skills are grounded on physical and social interaction, machine

learning, and planning under uncertainty. Experiments, especially in service and assistive

robotics, are at the core of our methodology. Our techniques will potentially impact all the

robotics elds and catalyze the ongoing eorts to transfer robots into our society.

Axes de recherche

Relations industrielles et internationales